[Wikipedia-l] Pear wiki text !

Ashar Voultoiz thoane at altern.org
Wed Jun 9 08:33:48 UTC 2004


When I started looking at mediawiki code, I tried to find a 
yacc/lex/bison php tool to generate a php parser given a syntax.

I have looked again at the pear site and found a wiki text parser
that started at the beginning of dec. 2003 (see below for link).

The class is still alpha stuff but it might possibly be used for our 
usage ?  Instead of trying to develop our own parser, maybe we can start 
trow ideas in text_wiki class and maybe have one day an unified wiki 
syntax that will be common to all wikis !!

Pear page of the package : http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Wiki
Package website : http://wiki.ciaweb.net/yawiki/index.php?area=Text_Wiki

The text_wiki supports tables, headers, definition lists, interwikis. 
Maybe we can work with them ?

Ashar Voultoiz

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