[Wikipedia-l] And now a bit of fun...

Mathias Schindler neubau at presroi.de
Fri Jul 16 15:17:49 UTC 2004

Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales schrieb:

> Roll over, John Lennon, Wikipedia is more popular than Jesus and the
> Beatles combined.

speaking of fun, we're getting close to the bizarre area of the Internet:

"Klaus Holoch" is the spokesman of Brockhaus (English audience: please 
read "Britannica" with such well thought quotes like

""Die Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie bietet geprüftes Wissen, auf das man sich 
hundertprozentig verlassen kann." Dies sei bei Wikipedia keinesfalls so, 
behauptet er. Deshalb könne man Wikipedia nicht mit Brockhaus vergleichen."

"Brockhaus is providing verified knowledge on which you can rely on at 
100 per cent." This is not the case at wikipedia, he claims. Because of 
this, you can't compare Wikipedia with Brockhaus"

(I might have mentioned it before)

Okay, here's the new part:

google for "Klaus Holoch": 220 hits
google for "Klaus Holoch" wikipedia: 115

(Last week, there was a news agency-dispatch from dpa about wikipedia 
and it contained this statement from Holoch, this has resulted in some 
increase of google result numbers. This is the first time with more than 
50% wikipedia-related pages when searching for his name only)

Jimmy, you might consider to appoint him as the honoris causa 
PR-volunteer of the German wikipedia project. After all, according to 
the omniscient web/google, his work is more connected to wikipedia than 
to his employer.


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