[Wikipedia-l] What would Richard Stallman say?

Magnus Manske magnus.manske at web.de
Mon Feb 23 18:13:12 UTC 2004

Jimmy Wales wrote:
> We are big and getting bigger.  Millions of people see our work each
> year.  Millions of people love what we are doing, love the idea of it,
> and would love to help.  We need to give them tools and incentives to
> do exactly that.

Or, we "make a deal" with some of the companies that supply the news 
agencies with pictures. As you said, we're gettin bigger, meaning more 
and more people will view wikipedia pages. If the image description 
would read "Image by [[Reuters]], released under GFDL", it would be a 
great advertivement for them, and it would cost them only a small image, 
perhaps of second-grade quality (which would be fine for us, but never 
printed in a magazine anyway).


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