[Wikipedia-l] What would Richard Stallman say?

Tomasz Wegrzanowski taw at users.sf.net
Thu Feb 19 22:16:24 UTC 2004

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 01:54:55PM -0800, Daniel Mayer wrote:
> Jimbo wrote:
> >...
> >If that means less images for now, then it means less images 
> >for now. It also means that we have a very strong incentive 
> >to develop free alternatives.
> No it means that many things will *never* have images. For example, Dolly the
> Sheep is dead. The only images of her are either from the news media or from
> the Roslin Institute. Therefore I used the images from the Roslin Institute.
> The license on those images states that they can be freely used in a
> noncommercial setting so long as credit is given. I have done that. 

Fair use is one thing but this has gone way too far.
Image deleted.

And you lied when submitting that it is a free image.
You should at least feel ashamed of what you have done.

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