[Wikipedia-l] What would Richard Stallman say?

Tomasz Wegrzanowski taw at users.sf.net
Thu Feb 19 18:48:52 UTC 2004

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 06:23:23PM +0000, Gareth Owen wrote:
> Tomasz Wegrzanowski <taw at users.sf.net> writes:
> > > Now, why are you against that?
> > 
> > Plain wonderful, till you want to distribute it in Europe. Or sell it
> > printed.  Or use it commercially. 
> I don't care a single jot about any of those uses. 
> I want to help make a free (small "f") encyclopedia

Wikipedia was meant to be *Free* (capital "F") encyclopedia,
and a lot of people want it that way. It's fine if you don't care
about that, but what you are proposing is to actively work against
that goal, by containating Free content with the non-free.

If you can't live with Wikipedia being Free, find another project.

> > Come on people, if you want non-free stuff, 
> > you have all the non-free websites and the P2P. 
> > They even have MS Windows sources there. 
> Why do you continue to conflate Fair Use and illegality?
> (Tom asked, rhetorically)

In Europe there isn't much difference.

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