[Wikipedia-l] Languages

Merritt L. Perkins mlperkins3 at juno.com
Thu Feb 12 04:22:58 UTC 2004

People anywhere in the world can exchange information and communicate
with one another with the Internet. Until all use the same language they
need to be able to understand each other’s languages.
I suggest a new Wikipedia with each article rewritten in more than one
language. For example, each sentence could be written in English with the
line below that in French, and the one below that in German. The wording
could be chosen so that it is easy to translate from one language to the
There would be many problems to be solved. When the same article appears
with different subject headings for each language would all the headings
be in alphabetical order or would the articles with English titles be in
one group, the same article with French titles in another group, and
German headings in another group. 
How many languages could be used in this way? Would five languages on
lines one above another be too confusing?
A given word can mean different things to different people. In writing
about games an article about chess would be well understood by most
readers, mention cricket and you are talking about a game in the UK and
an insect that chirps and jumps in the USA. Football... 
Is it right to write about a religious rite in the Wikipedia?
What is your opinion?
Merritt L. Perkins

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