[Wikipedia-l] An idea. What do you think about this?

Ruimu ruimu at uestc.edu.cn
Wed Feb 11 20:13:01 UTC 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tomasz Wegrzanowski" <taw at users.sf.net>
To: <wikipedia-l at Wikimedia.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-l] An idea. What do you think about this?

> >     Chinese is not this perfectly logical language Leibniz was hoping
> > for, but it's remain one of the best candidates for deaf people, if
> > one wish to reach universality.
> Don't confuse the Chinese language with the Chinese writing system.
> The former is just another language - no more and no less logical than
> Polish, Latin or Swahili. It's only the writing system that's any special.

    You're right, I should have used "Chinese writing system".

> If you used Han characters for any other language, you'd be no less
> "logical" than with Chinese.

    You may go a little far. There are many different Chinese languages
(ancient written, moderne written, spoken in Sichuan, spoken in Beijing) and
they all weave Chinese culture, and are waved by it. I read here that a
"perfect logical/universal language" (Pl/ul) would by possible. I'm not
sure. (Because of the vital link with culture) In fact, it may depends on
this: do you include C++ in languages?

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