[Wikipedia-l] Displaying http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:*

Till Westermayer till at tillwe.de
Mon Feb 2 15:22:50 UTC 2004

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till we *) . . .

Hi Daniel,

>I would also like to see the ability to add captions to
>non-thumbnail images. For example
>[[image:blah.jpg|right|300px|''This is a caption'']] does not
>display ''This is a caption'' as a caption - it just renders it as
>alt text. I understand why ''This is alt text'' in
>[[image:blah.jpg|''This is alt text'']] cannot be displayed as
>caption for backwards compatibility reasons. But if something like
>right|300px| is in there, then, IMO, anything after the last |
>should be rendered as a caption.

Maybe [[image:blah.jpg||''This is a caption'']] (simply: more than one
"|" -- new syntax!). Or even [[image:blah.jpg|this is alt text|this is a
 __ .
 / / / /                            ... Till Westermayer - till we *)
. .
  . mailto:till at tillwe.de . www.westermayer.de/till/ . icq 320393072
  . Habsburgerstr. 82 . 79104 Freiburg . 0761 55697152 . 0160 96619179
  . . . . .

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