[Wikipedia-l] comment on wikipedia

Delirium delirium at rufus.d2g.com
Sun Feb 1 09:02:48 UTC 2004

Alex R. wrote:

>Police ledgers are not copyrightable, that is public information.
>Just like the news is not really copyrightable. That is why you can
>use pictures of famous people and famous events. Unless their is
>something particularly creative about the photo there is just a mechanical
>reproduction. Sort of like the copyright of an old painting.
I've never seen a ruling that "the news", in general, isn't 
copyrightable.  It's certainly the case that if I were to start copying 
the NY Times' news stories and republishing them, even editing out the 
editorials and reporting "just the news", I would almost certainly be 
sued, and would, barring some change in the way the law is interpreted, 
most likely lose.


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