[Wikipedia-l] Fr.wikipedia 50.000 articles

Kurt Jansson jansson at gmx.net
Sun Aug 29 22:57:52 UTC 2004

Hi Anthere!

> The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today.

Great! Congratulations to all the contributors of the French Wikipedia!
The German Wikipedia hat a big media boost at that time, I hope there will 
happen something similar in France.

That's a nice story about the stubs. I think it's important for every Wiki to 
have some people around from the very beginning of the project, who can tell 
what the site looked like one, two or three years ago. Especially on VfD I often 
see newbies complaining about stubs, and sometimes also long-time contributors 
are frustrated and start complaining that things are getting worse. The truth 
is: Things are getting better, from day to day. Sometimes I send people to 
archive.org [1], and they can't believe what they see. :-)

[1] http://web.archive.org/web/*/de.wikipedia.com


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  Kurt Jansson, Wiener Str. 7, 10999 Berlin, http://jansson.de

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