[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia RC is broken

Kurt Jansson jansson at gmx.net
Sat Aug 28 15:13:03 UTC 2004

Tomasz Wegrzanowski schrieb:

> We should group categories into some related standarized sets (without
> standarization some of the categories would be much more likely to end
> underchecked), provide RC for each of those sets, and a huge RC for articles
> without categories, from which the edits in the articles would be categorized
> for later review by people competent in given area.

For me the possibility to split RC was the best argument for the introduction of 
categories, much more important than the navigational aid. Yes, we should do this.

I think "Bug 144: Special:Rencentchangeslinked for particular categories"
is the corresponding feature request. I've attributed 400 of my "votes" to it - 
any higher bids?


  http://leihnetzwerk.de -- Teile Bücher, Videos und CDs mit anderen!
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  Kurt Jansson, Wiener Str. 7, 10999 Berlin, http://jansson.de

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