[Wikipedia-l] Peh-oe-ji on minnan.wikipedia.org

Pochung(Pektiong) Chen(Tan) pcchen at formosa.org
Sun Aug 8 16:50:23 UTC 2004

On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, Tim Starling wrote:
> Based on the information I have now, I would like to move
> minnan.wikipedia.org to peh-oe-ji.wikipedia.org. I'm expecting
> objections to this from the users of that wiki, who seem to be keen
> promoters of the Peh-oe-ji orthography. All the same, I'd like to hear
> any comments or objections anyone has.
> -- Tim Starling

Peh-oe-ji is a script/orthography, not a language. The peh-oe-ji
orthography, with some minor modifications, can and is used to write
orther languages such as Hakka and other aboriginal languages in Taiwan.

Historically, wikipedia has been using 'language', not 'orthography' to
classify the wikipedia. When a language is wrtten in only one orthography
there is no problem. When a language can be written in more than one
orthographies, there is a problem. In my opinion, wikipedia doesn't not
provide a method to solve this problem.

-- Pektiong

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