[Wikipedia-l] Re: meta deletion

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 13 03:20:58 UTC 2004

Anthere wrote:

>>It strikes me that the pages should be listed on VfD
>of >en.Wikipedia so this
>>little backwater that is not closely watched no
>longer >exists.
>Hum ?!?
>Are you suggesting that en.wikipedia is the place
>which will decide of deletions of pages located on
>meta ?
It strikes that this is part of the problem; Perl is applying the en: 
procedures for deletion to meta. This is what we want to avoid.

>>Perhaps there should be more integration so that
>>separate separate accounts
>>and logging in could be eliminated.
>Are you suggesting that a sysop on one wikipedia would
>be sysop on all wikipedias ?
This need not be the case. A unified login system is sorely needed - 
having to log in separately to each different site is a big hindrance to 
working on multiple projects. I believe that is a big part of what makes 
meta so poorly used. But integrating logins can be done without creating 
universal sysops, other than perhaps the new "stewards". The system 
should be able to provide different user abilities depending on which 
project you are working on.

--Michael Snow
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