[Wikipedia-l] Re: statistics

Gabriel Wicke groups at gabrielwicke.de
Mon Apr 12 23:35:58 UTC 2004

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 18:48:03 +0200, Erik Zachte wrote:

> Anthere wrote:
> "I think I need to have the rough number of hits per day on wikipedia
> (whole project)"

> Note that Webalizer may count several visits per day by one person as
> several unique visitors if the time between those vists is several hours,
> so a (very) small correction downwards is needed.

The timeout for a visit is 1/2 hour. On the other hand users of a big
proxy all count as one visitor because they share the ip.

> Figures may be influenced by current server setup (squids, etc), maybe
> visitors are counted once per squid, or something like that, I don't know.

No, the logs are merged and sorted before analysis. Note that en isn't
included in the stats in the last days because it's using curly.bomis.com
which isn't set up to transfer the logs.

>From my information it's about 8 million hits per day overall.

Gabriel Wicke

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