[Wikipedia-l] Gutza's puzzle piece design

Jay Bowks jjbowks at adam.cheshire.net
Sun Sep 28 03:44:14 UTC 2003

From: "Ray Saintonge" <saintonge at telus.net>
> That the trademark would extend to all uses of puzzle pieces in any 
> context is just too far-fetched.  There is absolutely nothing in the 
> design to remind people of Microsoft.

Well, it's not so much as a trademark
thing, in my mind, it's just that when
I saw the puzzle sphere and some of
the suggestions about using some
of the puzzle pieces, it reminded me
of the Microsoft usage of one piece
of their suite being for each of the
puzzle pieces. So there is definitely
"something" to remind "someone"
about this usage of software pieces
and pieces of the puzzle. Maybe I'm
weird or something but that's the 
first thing I thought of, I'm sure that
I wouldn't be alone in thinking this

There are far too many questions
in my mind about this logo to give my
support to the concept.

Jay B.

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