[Wikipedia-l] Fundraising

Joachim Kerschbaumer email at joachim.net
Sat Sep 20 11:21:18 UTC 2003

Hi Mav (or Jimbo),
Re http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Fundraising.html
In your function of Treasurer for the board, I think it would be really
helpful to add Information (on a subpage?) regarding how much is already
there / who gave on what date. A lot of comments (especially on the german
wikipedia) are always "Who is this Jimbo", "What is this
Wikimedia-Fondation", "Why should we trust this people", "Can we not have
our own German Server/Organisation"... Maybe with a little bit of
transparency we could show them that this is a really "Open" Organisation.

Maybe something like this:

List of Donations as of xx.xx.2003 in total 123.4 USD:
Date / Amount / Real-Name / (Country?)
Date / Amount / Wiki-Username
Date / Amount / (wants to stay) Anonymouns
Date / (wants to keep amount secret) / Name or Anonymous

If the users see that the amount send was officially stated/received
somewhere, maybe they would put more trust (and money) into Wikimedia/pedia.

Just an Idea,
Fantasy :-)

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