[Wikipedia-l] Re: Slashdot

Steve Vertigum utilitymuffinresearch2 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 19:39:43 UTC 2003

--- Jimmy Wales <jwales at bomis.com> wrote:
> Tim Starling wrote:
> > According to Alexa we now get as much traffic as
> Slashdot.
> I believe that you are mistaken.  I see their
> traffic rank as 845, and
> ours as 2,140.

I dont think its as complicated as that. The 2140 and
the 845 represent 3 month averages. Of course WP is
going to reflect lower numbers than it has currently
if has to account for the last three months. What
matters is that WP is shooting upward at a 33 #@(%!^&
degree angle while Slashdot has been flat. And on
recent brief moments WP surpassed Slashdot-- They have
a slow week, WP has an up week -- boom. For all
intents and purposes, given that the trends hold, WP
will be neck and neck with Slashdot in about a week.  

So I only care about their up to the minute marks.
This number is the least arbitrary -- the overall may
have some value with marketers... But I dont
understand why we would care about their overall
ranking-- unless, Jim you're considering....   selling
advertising? (?). : ]

Of course, all of this is speculative--in part,
because Alexa has yet to register the effects of
yesterdays poor server performance, -- which may
mostly be mitigated by the fast response today. 
Pedians are loyal and understanding. 
But some were complaining yesterday about the
slowness, which is why I added a little "but running
slow" tag to the "Server is back up" note on recent
changes. With the web the masses are always unsure of
whats going on if nobody tells them whats going on. In
troubling times, calm words of reassurance can soothe
the savage Wikipediholic.

"I'm skeptical, but we do rock." 
Hear hear.

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