[Wikipedia-l] Re: Wikipedia

Steve Vertigum utilitymuffinresearch2 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 18:48:41 UTC 2003

--- "Merritt L. Perkins" <mlperkins3 at juno.com> wrote
> I will certainly appreciate any help that I can get
> because I really need
> it.

No problem. :) Just keep it at low-doses, -- ask short
specific questions, and address most of them to the
list. I cant promise to be available to you

> I don't understand what username is; is it like a
> nickname?

Its a nickname, or it can be your real name. 

1. go to www.wikipedia.org 
2.. click "Log in" in the upper right corner.  Then
chose a unique name --just 'Merritt' is fine - (keep
it simple).

> .With regard to enclosing and inclosing I have a
> dictionary that seems to
> favor inclosing. I debated which to use when I wrote
> the post. There
> seems to be a difference of opinion on this.
> What does disambignate mean?
> In speaking of text, what is meant by front cover
> and back cover?
> I have trouble with acronyms. I can guess that IMO
> stands for in my
> opinion, and IMHO for in my humble opinion. but what
> does TADAA mean?
> You mentioned LOGAN, this seems to refer is
> something that I don't have.
> I see from the time that you must live on the West
> Coast. I live in
> southwestern Lower Michigan and we are in the
> Eastern time zone. Your
> e-mail addresses so long that I am liable to make a
> mistake in typing it.
> I will try to send information on B12 and rose of
> Sharon in separate
> e-mails.. 
> Merritt L. Perkins

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