[Wikipedia-l] Cheating on logo voting

Guillaume Blanchard gblanchard at arcsy.co.jp
Mon Sep 8 07:53:47 UTC 2003

> Guillaume-
> > I forgot an important question :
> > - Why are you so hurried with deadlines !?
> Why are you so slow?

I didn't propose any deadlines yet, so you don't know how slow I'd like ;o)

Discussing with Olizekat I find out he had to work the night to be able to
finish logos for the deadlines. I suppose other creators that have a job
can't spend all their time to design logo. I think imho that finalist
artists are better judge than you to decide submission deadline. If someone
need 1 month (it's just an example) to finish all his variants, why don't
wait 1 month? Logo is waiting for 3 years, 1 month is not matter.

Honestly I don't understand what are the arguments to hurry the deadlines?

> Regards,
> Erik


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