[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia.ru & Wikimedia.de

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Mon Sep 8 02:47:14 UTC 2003

> Not needed. Unregistered trademarks are legal in the US and EU countries

Evidence that unregistered trademarks have the same validity in the EU as  
in the US? Here's another page:

"Laws generally only protect marks against infringement if registered in  
the (state) trademarks register. Otherwise anyone else can register and  
even prohibit the use by the original owner. (Note: this is different in  
the USA but holds true for most other countries of the world.)"

> so
> if they want to travel to these nations then they should respect our
> trademark.

Yeah, I'm just waiting for Slashdot to run the story about some Russian  
being arrested on US soil for violating an obscure and unfair US law .. oh  
wait, that already happened! Google for "Dmitry Sklyarov".

> ICANN has separate rules that govern domain names; they are very highly
> supportive of protecting all trademarks

ICANN's trademark rules are evil, have been abused to suppress free speech  
on many occasions and should be fought, not implicitly or explicitly  



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