[Wikipedia-l] Setting a new server in France for frenchwikipedia

Guillaume Blanchard gblanchard at arcsy.co.jp
Tue Nov 11 07:30:26 UTC 2003

If I don't mistaken, the idea is just to have a static version of Wikipedia.
Edit will be redirect to the « true » Wikipedia.
The problem seem that to be able to have this server we need an official
foundation in France (I don't know exactly why).
Hope Yann will explain that in better words...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "user_Jamesday" <user_Jamesday at myrealbox.com>
To: <wikipedia-l at Wikimedia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [Wikipedia-l] Setting a new server in France for

Addressing various points:

1. Does the main Wikipedia/Wikimedia foundation really want to be located on
French soil and subject to French law with all international funds subject
to judgements by French courts? I don't think that's wise unless it can't be

2. Technically, isn't a caching proxy server a better idea? That way, those
in France can avoid the transatlantic round trip time increases but still
edit the main wikipedia/Wikimedia databases. (Mav, that's something your
test didn't show, unless you were doing it from a French proxy service)

3. Caching proxies seem like a better way to obtain legal isolation, since
proxies and caching are fairly widely accepted as being different from the
sites they are caching. I assume that the French foundation can be set up as
a non-proft dedicated to increasing the responsiveness of the Wikipedia when
accessed from within France.

4. This is also a nice model for local caches around the world.

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