[Wikipedia-l] [lori at affero.com: Wikipedia to be featured in Affero's Newsletter]

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Thu May 29 00:39:01 UTC 2003

----- Forwarded message from Lori Winslow <lori at affero.com> -----

From: "Lori Winslow" <lori at affero.com>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 14:49:15 -0700
To: <jwales at bomis.com>
Subject: Wikipedia to be featured in Affero's Newsletter

Hello, My name is Lori Winslow and I am one of the founders of Affero (http://www.affero.net).  We publish a
monthly community newsletter called Random Hacks of Kindness - Each month we feature an innovative project or
cause that is open source.

In our last edition (April 2003 - see that here: http://www.affero.net/nl/apr03.html), we featured Xaraya
which is a Content Management Solution.

For our May edition, Wikipedia will be the featured project. I will provide a brief summary with a link to the
sourceforge page and use some "about" text from the Wikipedia website.   Once the newsletter is published -
target is by the end of the week - I will send you a copy.

If you want to promote this anywhere or have suggestions where we should do so, please let me know.  I would
love to get more recognition and awareness out about Wikipedia.  What a great project!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks so much.

Lori Winslow
lori at affero.com

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and
cats."  - Albert Schweitzer

Give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves:

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