[Wikipedia-l] Re: Two issues here: what is legal to have on the server and what is legal in the user's nation

Richard Grevers lists at dramatic.co.nz
Thu May 22 21:58:06 UTC 2003

On Thu, 22 May 2003 15:38:01 -0500, Lee Daniel Crocker <lee at piclab.com> 
gave utterance to the following:

>> (The Cunctator <cunctator at kband.com>):
>> Yes there are: try child prOn, indecency and obscenity laws.
> Those are not restrictions on "nudity". Nude pictures of children
> are perfectly legal in the US, as long as they're not engaged in
> sexual acts or otherwise presented as erotic.

They seem to think differently in Texas: 
(The publicity and resulting outrage cause the state to back away from the 
case a week later).
Richard Grevers
Confucius say: People having gift for gab know not how to wrap it up

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