[Wikipedia-l] "Procedural default and disclaimer

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sat May 17 10:34:01 UTC 2003

Anthere wrote:
>While I can consider ok that others are using 
>user names very similar to mine, I think this 
>was deliberate attempt to make other believe I 
>(Anthere) said this about Aoineko. Hence, that 
>is not simple fun, that is direct attack and 
>attempt to twist other people perceptions.
>I think that is wrong.

I also think that is wrong. 

Distorting the messages of other user's is one of the main reasons why Lir was 
first banned. Being excessively rude is the reason why DW was banned. But the 
available evidence you have provided thus far indicates that Aoineko has 
effectively done both of these things /and/ has masqueraded as you in what 
you believe is an attempt to discredit you. Utra un-wiki if true.

Aoineko has also admitted to pretending he was you by saying it was a "joke." 
However, given how long I remember you complaining about an "imposter" I 
would have to say that I tend to suspect a less than jovial motive. There is 
/nothing/ funny about pretending to be someone else when it is obvious that 
that person (in this case you Anthere) was obviously distressed by this.

I like Lee's post talking about "Procedural default" and await Aoineko's side 
of the story. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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