[Wikipedia-l] A vision for wiki syntax, documented

Lee Daniel Crocker lee at piclab.com
Fri May 16 08:04:45 UTC 2003

> (Jens Frank <JeLuF at gmx.de>):
> <div style="float: right">
> [[Image:%%Image%%]]<BR>
> <center>
> ''%%Label%%''
> </center>
> </div>
> In an article, it can be used by its name:
> {{ImageFloatingRight
> Image=Eiffel tower.jpg
> Label=The Eiffel Tower in Paris
> }}

That's about 10 times more complex than


but I am intrigued by the idea of parameterized transclusions.
Another, perhaps simpler, way to do it is to use existing link
syntax with an "include" namespace:

  [[include:snippet1 | val1 | val2 |
  namedvar1=val | namedvar2=val]]

> This is more flexible than just stylesheets:

Then you obviously don't know stylesheets well. Besides, they give
a much better separation of content and style, and are a performance
boost because the style code doesn't change among pages often, and
so doesn't have to be reloaded by the client.

> Possible later additions:
> - Factsheet wizard that users without HTML-Skills can use to generate 
>   the normal factsheet tables used in so many variants
> - Fill-in wizard that shows the rendered snipplet and has input fields
>   where the variables are. 

I'm not opposed to the ideas of GUIs in general either; but there's
a lot to be said for a content model and text-based interface simple
and universal enough to not require one.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee at piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lee/>
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