[Wikipedia-l] Re: I like BBS:es

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Wed May 7 22:55:49 UTC 2003

Hunter Peress wrote:
> Now i've been ignored 2x in a row, and no one is even *capable* of
>knowing about it.

Are you sure?  I mean, I know about it, right?

I read your Talk_media page, but I'm not sure what to make of it.

Your point about the superior threading abilities of a slashdot-style
bbs system is a good one.  It's a good point, no doubt.

But it doesn't strike me as a sufficient reason to abandon email

What I'm thinking about and proposing is that we address whatever
problems people are having with the current mailing list setup in a
way that isn't going to force those of us who like the status quo just
fine to try to do something radically different.

And just opening up a BBS and telling people to use it if they like
isn't likely to be very successful -- it would just fracture the
existing discussions unnecessarily.  Better to add some BBS-features
somehow, for example via a Mailman-to-Usenet or Mailman-to-BBS gateway

Some people -- and count me among them -- aren't even *close* to
wanting to change our ways.


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