[Wikipedia-l] call for speech for RMLL 2003

julien tayon julien at tayon.net
Wed May 7 20:51:47 UTC 2003


This message is especially for wikipedia users that would be close to
Metz in july (9/10/11) 
while the 3rd Libre Software Meeting will take place. 

With libroscope team, we are leading a topic on  
« Le libre, au-delà du logiciel (Extending Free Software principles
beyond the IT sphere) »


I am looking for a wikipedian speecher for this theme. 

As a lurker^H^H^H chaotic contributor to wikipedia there are a lot of
points that makes me think wikipedia is legitimate on this point :

- sharing the knowledge using mechanisme closed to libre software
methodology (letting anyone contribute and using peer review)

- benevolent dictatorship model (Hi jim) with trusted lieutenant (like
youssefan, alvaro, aoineko, ant ... for the one I know) ;

- focusing on user and the ease of use rather than technology ; 

- making contributor have good practice by social engeneering
(discussion, NPOV..) rather than with software implemented rules.

- web/email centric coordination (the virtual roof)

- from Kaos Management to  Knowledge Management ;)

- a living proof wiki technology can give large scale structured website
:) : you don't need complex technology to build large KM database. 

The last point is  the one I really like : 
focusing on peopleware seems to be a far better approach than focusing 
on a pure technological approach to build such a large scale project.   

Anyone interested, and available ?

I have missed some points I know, and I would be glad to discuss it with

PS as a matter of fact, I guess that wikipedia is such a rich project 
that it could be appropriate to do  more than one speech :)

As an individual I would be really interested in a conf on the
architecture and the technological aspect though it is not the topic I
work on.  

PPS je parie que ça va se terminer à pas d'heure au bistro encore :)

Julien Tayon
http://www.tayon.net/			       http://libroscope.org/
Si la vérité est une femme, essayons de la séduire avant de la saisir.

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