[Wikipedia-l] use of a bot (long)

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Tue May 6 22:51:00 UTC 2003

> The short response to Erik's reference for email over a BBS is
> essentially that for a power-user, with the talent, knowledge, and time
> to configure and use "good email clients" which make "quoting and
> threading transparent and easy to use", email is preferable.

> The reality is that is not the case for most people.

While I agree that most people aren't "power users", most people are  
familiar with at least the basic functionality that their email client  
offers. So I do not see the "barrier to entry" you see. If someone cannot  
follow the instructions "reply to this email to confirm your  
subscription", it is questionable whether they can participate at all.

> The more important reality is that there should not be an additional
> barrier to entry in finding and using the discussion forum (currently in
> email form) above the barriers to entry to becoming a Wikipedia editor
> (which are web access, going to Wikipedia, clicking on "Edit this page"
> and possibly creating a user account).

The mailing lists are for policy nerds, techies and masochists. Article- 
related discussions already take place on the respective talk pages, and  
for user help there's the Village Pump. I've already stated that I agree  
the discussion system on talk pages needs improvements - give me money and  
I will fix it.

> Another basic, basic thing: since we're discussing Wikipedia matters, we
> really should be able to make links to Wikipedia entries in the
> discussion forum. We can't usefully do that with email.


Do you see an URL above, or has the string been magically converted into   
noise by your email client? What seems to be the problem?

> But instead of having the argument about why a BBS would be better than
> an Email list, I recommend setting up a BBS, and letting practice
> decide.

Not necessary, the arguments against a BBS are sufficiently strong. The  
last thing we need is another forum, even if it's just experimental.



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