[Wikipedia-l] Okhrana and Google

sannse sannse at delphiforums.com
Fri Mar 21 07:54:17 UTC 2003

Zoe wrote:

>>I think the problem was that Google had cached our page, and I just
deleted it.  You therefore got sent to a nonexistent entity.

I don't think so, because the link on Google was to the edit page itself,
not to the article (see the end of the link, "&action=edit") - that's what
worried me.

The page only existed for a short time, I noticed it on "recent changes" and
blanked it, then Googled to find replacement text.  You deleted it while I
was gone (quite rightly of course :)  So I don't think Google would be
likely to have picked it up in that short time anyway.

I did a little more looking around.  Google searches for some other
non-existant pages have the same problem (I added "wikipedia" to the search
to speed things up)

wikipedia "Spinal tumor"

wikipedia "Alexander disease"

It doesn't come up with all non-existant pages though: wikipedia "Benign
Essential Blepharospasm" was OK for example.


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