[Wikipedia-l] Test suite:input requested

Lee Daniel Crocker lee at piclab.com
Mon Mar 17 22:52:49 UTC 2003

The test suite is coming along nicely, and I'm now to the point of
just filling in each test case.  There's one part I'm working on now
that just reads pages, makes sure their HTML parses, and then does a
few simple regular expression matches on the output.  Right now it
just looks for things like DOCTYPE, the META ROBOTS tag, the DIVs,
and such, and looks for the absence of things like <FONT and

Help me fill out these two lists with lots of good output tests:
i.e., tell me what you would expect to see on every page, and
what you would not want to see on any page (preferably as a regular
expression, but if you can just describe in words, I can code it).

I'm copying this to the list at large, because I think non-techies
will be able to help here as well.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee at piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lee/>
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