[Wikipedia-l] Feature request

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Mar 16 20:10:57 UTC 2003

Matt M. wrote:

>I wonder if anyone else has thought of this, but while considering the pipe
>trick ([[foo (bar)|]] = [[foo (bar)|foo]]) it occurred to me that one of the
>places this would be most useful is in place names, a huge portion of which
>are in the form [[Boise, Idaho]]. If it could be set up so that the pipe
>trick could work with commas too ([[Boise, Idaho|]] = [[Boise,
>Idaho|Boise]]), that would be very useful in a variety of situations. (It
>wouldn't conflict with other uses of commas, since you just wouldn't have
>any reason to use the pipe trick with them; or if, say, something had both
>commas and parentheses, you could set it to just pipe the parentheses. If an
>article had multiple commas, you could set it to hide everything after the
>first one.)
>What do you think?
This is an interesting idea, particularly in the light of the debate 
which once raged over the formatting of place names.  The one issue that 
I would dispute in your proposal is in the question of multiple commas. 
My instinct favours hiding everything after the last one, but that is a 
detail that could be explored after there is acceptance of the basic idea.


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