[Wikipedia-l] email formatting

Vicki Rosenzweig vr at redbird.org
Thu Mar 13 13:30:38 UTC 2003

This is one where setting a good example is useless,  because it isn't
noticed. I send email in plain text, and people still insist on responding
in HTML with settings like black-on-dark-gray. They don't realize that
plain text is a choice made for good reasons.

Black-on-dark-gray is, simply, not readable by this human being (who is
already wearing bifocal lenses). If it's your easiest way to read, set your 
display to that--then you can read my messages as is easiest for you, and I can
still read yours.

In the meantime, if I seem to be ignoring you, it's because you have taken 
effort to make your messages opaque, and I'm tired of taking the effort to 
undo it.

Wikikarma: copyediting and expansion of [[Alt hierarchy]]
Vicki Rosenzweig
vr at redbird.org

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