[Wikipedia-l] Please help test new features

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Fri Jul 4 19:05:00 UTC 2003

> Eh? The en.wiki Main Page and Main Page's of each of the other languages are
> the most visited and visible pages. If their formatting is broken by the
> automatic TOC then that is a big problem - no need to state other examples
> but I'm sure there will be.

I'm not sure. The Main Page is really an exception because all kinds of  
strange formatting is allowed there to make it look good, and because it's  
an entry page. That's why I have disabled the TOC generation for the Main  
Page (which is defined in Language.php for each language). So no, it's not  
because of the number of headings, but if you move it to a non-Main Page  
name, it will get the TOC again.

> And shouldn't the burden of proof be on the person wanting to make
> the change?

You can't prove a negative. If you think the TOC can be harmful in some  
instances, please provide evidence.



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