[Wikipedia-l] Racialisme

Guillaume Blanchard gblanchard at arcsy.co.jp
Fri Jan 31 06:26:40 UTC 2003

I didn't delete the Philippe article about Racialisme, but just move it in
the talk page because I didn't found this word neither in my dictionnary nor
in "Le Dictionnaire de l'academie francaise" that mean this world not exist
officilly in french language. After some search over the web, I found many
mention of this word so I proposed an new article to explain this racist
I don't know how to handle word that not exist in french, but if I decide to
create a new word, "ekojeslker" for exemple, then can I create an article on
it in an encyclopedia ???
Sure, Philippe is a polite person, but dont forget what he wrote :

In Racisme, jan 15, 2003 :

"Il semble que certaines races soient superieures aux autres races pour
certains aspects; par exemple, les noirs courent plus vite que les blancs."

Translation by "Babel Fish Translation" :

"It seems that certain races are higher than the other races for certain
aspects; for example, the blacks run more quickly than the white."

In Antisemitisme, jan 27, 2003 :

"Historiquement, il existe de nombreux motifs pour justifier
l'antisemitisme, incluant des facteurs sociaux, economiques, nationaux,
politiques, raciaux et religieux.."

Translation by "Babel Fish Translation" :

"Historically, there are many reasons to justify the anti-semitism,
including factors social, economic, national, political, racial and

In Antisemitisme, jan 27, 2003 :

"Les juifs sont des personnes d'une race distinctement differente des autres
personnes. La discrimination basee sur une telle distinction est donc

Translation by "Babel Fish Translation" :

"The Jews are people of a race distinctly different from the other people.
The discrimination based on such a distinction is thus valid"

I apologize french wikipedians for there rudness with Philippe, but we don't
tolerate this kind of sentences on the french wikipedia !


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