[Wikipedia-l] Re: Press release : Logo putsch onthe FrenchWikipedia !

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Fri Dec 12 16:14:01 UTC 2003

The Cunctator wrote:
> > Readers in different languages will have somewhat different
> > backgrounds and interests.  Different backgrounds mean that we must
> > take into account different assumptions on what the reader will
> > already be familiar with.  Different interests mean that we must take
> > into account different emphasis on what the reader will expect to
> > learn from an article.
> I'm not convinced that we should have as a goal that the articles
> reflect the biases of the readership. I would expect both entries on the
> Statue of Liberty to tell the complete story. I have trouble seeing this
> as anything other than a defense of provincialism.

Well, I didn't mean "biases".  Perhaps my example is not so good.

Suppose you were writing an introductory article on Macintosh OS X for
an audience of Windows users, and another introductory article for
audience of Linux users.  The two audiences will naturally have
different backgrounds and interests, and so each article will
naturally take that into account, even if the two articles cover much
of the same ground.

> If NPOV is the same, then we shouldn't have as a goal articles which
> reflect different biases.

Yes, I do agree with this, but I think that there can be differences
between article versions, even where both are NPOV.


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