[Wikipedia-l] Re: [Sodipodi-list] Wikiclips

Evan Prodromou evan at wikitravel.org
Tue Dec 9 04:43:00 UTC 2003

>>>>> "BV" == Brion Vibber <brion at pobox.com> writes:

    BV> Also hypothetically a plugin- or java-based editor app could
    BV> be launched directly from the page, but that's outside the
    BV> scope of this stuff...

Right now, MediaWiki has a way to do version-controlled image file
upload, and layout (through Wiki markup) for navigation to those
files. I think that's probably enough to start a clip-art collection.

Yes, it's not quite as easy to edit a file in MediaWiki as it is to
edit a page. That could definitely be improved. But it's still pretty
darn easy to collaborate on images.


Evan Prodromou <evan at wikitravel.org>
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