[Wikipedia-l] non-English Wikipedias

Jake Nelson jnelson at soncom.com
Thu Dec 4 08:54:40 UTC 2003

Daniel Mayer wrote:
> Delirium wrote:
> >So I guess my question is: do people think it is likely that
> >Wikipedias in languages that are spoken almost exclusively
> >by people of one particular national background can ever
> >hope to achieve anything even remotely resembling the
> >NPOV on the Wikipedias in languages that are spoken by a
> >wide range of people?  Is having contributors from a wide
> >range of backgrounds a necessary prerequisite for NPOV
> >(as I suggest)?
> Very interesting insight! But since you touch on philosophical issues, I
> recommend you copy your post and put in on meta (otherwise this thread
> get lost in the mailing list archives).
> I'll respond there.

Good call, mav. And yes, good insight, Delirium... though I think most, if
not all, languages will work themselves out in time, some of the smallest
ones, spoken by a few people passionate about identity, will take the

-- Jake

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