[Wikipedia-l] HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!!

Jay Bowks jjbowks at adam.cheshire.net
Mon Aug 11 21:52:15 UTC 2003

From: "Ray Saintonge" <saintonge at telus.net>
>He has not yet shown himself to be a hardcore nit.
> Ec

I'm of the belief that all of us sooner or
later, probably sooner, can qualify as
a nits. The only consolation is that at
times we also may qualify for full blown
wit. This message of mine of course
doesn't qualify for the later although
making a stong case for the former
as far as I'm concerned.
Jay B.

P.S. to the wikipedians who've put up
with me and my newbieness...
...thanks for the times when I've asked
stupid questions and received worthwhile
answers without too much elbow jabbing.

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