[Wikipedia-l] Developper limits

Anthere anthere6 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 30 11:07:11 UTC 2003

Hum, I am a bit embarrassed here. But well...

We have a bottle neck problem I fear.

Utilisateur:Alvaro asked to be a sysop on the french
wiki quite a while ago, and nobody spoke against
(indeed, several spoke for him). Then, since this is
asked on our pump, he was first forgot for a while.
Had to kindly ask again.
So I put a message asking for him to be made sysop in
the database on your page Brion, on the english
wikipedia, as well as the metapedia if I remember

He still is not sysop. It is clear it is a pain for
you developpers to do this type of chore; Ed
mentionned it several times. So, we wait, and ask
again, and again.

But, then, isnot there a way for us to make people on
the international wikipedia ourselves ?

Could there be something like a query, which could
allow french sysop to make french user (just an
example of course) a sysop automatically ? Maybe a
list of user could be displayed, and one sysop could
click on the name of one user to make him sysop ? Of
course, it would be absolutely required then than a
log is clearly visible to everyone, to avoid abuse.

Is something like this possible or not ?

Meanwhile, could someone please make Alvaro sysop ?

Also, as Aoineko mentionned previously, the mispelling
page is quite broken, and has never been working well
since we are phase III (31th of october). It was
already reported.

I know you are overbooked. Is there something we can
do (ok, not me, but there are some developpers among
us) to make that work ? Do the other international
wikipedias using accentuated letters do have the
problem as well ?


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