[Wikipedia-l] Re: Avoid tables -- keep it simple!

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Wed Apr 23 02:51:00 UTC 2003

> (and as for text-only browsers... <table> has been around for a LONG
> time. Surely text-only browsers have some sort of system for coping with
> them?)

Yes they do, and some of them are quite good at it. Lynx is worst (it does  
the right-alignment Karl describes), w3m is acceptable and links even puts  
nice little borders around the cells. Links can even handle frames, it is  
really quite impressive. There is also a graphical version of Links:

The CPU usage is negligible in text browsers and most graphical browsers,  
the only common browser that sometimes has problems with complex tables is  
Netscape 4. Some people have a strange affection towards it, but it really  
must die as soon as possible. Phoenix, Galeon etc. use the Mozilla engine  
without the bloat and provide much faster rendering than Netscape 4.



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