[Wikipedia-l] Avoid tables -- keep it simple!

Karl Eichwalder ke at gnu.franken.de
Mon Apr 21 15:38:41 UTC 2003

The English Wikipedia often is overdesigned; example:
http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwait (and probably many a lot other

1. It's hard to edit tables

2. Cut-and-paste does not work that good

3. It isn't browser friendly; in lynx it comes out this way:

                                        CAPTION: Dawlat al Kuwayt   
                             Kuwait flag medium.png KUW-coat.gif    
                                   (In Detail)                      
                                             National motto: None   
                                         Official language Arabic   
                                                   Capital Kuwait   
                                                       Emir Jabir   
                                              Prime minister Saad   
                                                          - Total   
                                           - % water Ranked 153rd   
                                                       17,820 km²   
                                                   - Total (2001)   
                                           - Density Ranked 141st   
                                       Independence June 19, 1961   
                                                   Currency Dinar   
                                                 Time zone UTC +3   
                             National anthem Al-Nasheed Al-Watani   
                                                 Internet TLD .KW   
                                                 Calling Code 965   

Yes, it's right aligned :-(  I'm not sure whether you will rate it as a
lynx bug, though...

                                                         |      ,__o
http://www.gnu.franken.de/ke/                            |    _-\_<,
ke at suse.de (work) / keichwa at gmx.net (home)               |   (*)/'(*)

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