[Wikipedia-l] references, admin request

Matt M. matt_mcl at sympatico.ca
Sat Apr 12 15:46:34 UTC 2003

Regarding references: I generally only list multiple references when dealing
with a highly contentious issue. It's a habit developed on the Straight Dope
Message Board where the word "Cite?" can strike fear into the heart of any
polemicist. As for articles that are largely factually based (geography, for
example) I don't usually see the need, unless, at the outside, I'm exposing
some rare and little-known fact. Basically, any fact that someone would be
highly inclined to question is a fact I'm gonna put a citation for.

Also, Mav suggested that I apply for Admin status, so I'll do that now.
Would someone also please explain what responsibilities come with this?

Matt McLauchlin (Montrealais)
Montreal, Quebec

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