[Wikipedia-l] embassies and diplomats

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Thu Sep 26 10:14:48 UTC 2002

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com wrote:
>That they do feel that way is a problem, regardless of whether we think it should be.

I agree.

> 1: we could ask for volunteer wikipedia diplomats: polyglots who are
>willing to inform various communities about policy and software
>discussions taking place that may affect them.

I think this is a sensible suggestion, although like you, I wonder if
many people have "enough zeal" to do this regularly.

I like most of your other suggestions, too, although I wonder if we
would keep them up after a period of good intentions.

It seems likely to me that the software will stabilize in major
respects on the current codebase.  Policy almost never changes in any
major ways.


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