[Wikipedia-l] Deletions

Fred Bauder fredbaud at ctelco.net
Mon Sep 23 13:23:32 UTC 2002

At 09:03 AM 9/23/02 -0400, you wrote:
>All right. The big deleters (Engels, Jheimens, Mav) have adopted a more
>aggressive policy for deleting pages than the stated one (on
>[[Wikipedia:Votes for deletion]] and [[Wikipedia:Policy on permanent
>deletion of pages]]).
>Primarily, they delete stubs.
>We hashed this out once a while ago (see [[m:Kill the Stub Pages]],
>[[Wikipedia:The perfect stub article]], [[Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub]])
>and as you can see from the deletion policy, the consensus was that in the
>face of disagreement/ambiguity, it was better to not delete stubs than to
>delete them.
>I'd like to ask people to stop deleting stubs until we discuss this again.
>(See also [[User talk:Maveric49]] for a beginning debate.)

I quite agree, although my vested interest in stubs is less now days, since
I have both had little time and have generally worked on substantial
articles.  I just don't have time to monitor the deletion police. I did
notice a proposed deletion of [[poverty]] a dismal article about a dismal
subject, which I thought rather unwise. It would seem on obvious candidate
for editing and addition of more substantial material rather than deletion. 

To the individuals involved, I would say that if you spent more time
writing articles you would have less time for vandalism.


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