[Wikipedia-l] User watch

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Sep 11 04:20:51 UTC 2002

Jaap van Ganswijk wrote:

>No it doesn't: Jimmy and Bomis may host it, but they don't
>own it. Or they should have made it more clearly when I
>joined it. I am the author of a site about chips and it's
>hosted by about 30 mirror sites. They own not one iota
>of the contents of what they mirror. My 'original site'
>is hosted on the server of a Dutch internet provider and
>it doesn't own any of the copyrights of my site.
>If Jimmy thinks he has certain rights I'd really like
>to hear about that.
Owning the site and owning the contents are two different things.  If he 
really got pissed off he could always pull the server's power cord out 
of the wall, and nobody could legally force him to put it back in.  If 
it comes to that, and nobody has kept the data independently backed up 
at a physically separate site, then that's the end of it.

Jimmy's royal prerogatives are not about dictatorship or being a control 
freak, they're about finance.  Until a critical mass of Wikipedians have 
shown the capacity to deal with the project's fiscal administration, 
it's simply a reality whether we like it or not.  Such a state of 
affairs obviously includes possible dangers to the project, but so do 
other financing models .

>>Still, this is a little community, and communities generally need some rules and boundaries to keep people from feeling put-upon.  No one has any inalienable rights here, except the right (and perhaps the obligation) to leave if they don't like how things are done.
>Is your real name perhaps: Eva Perron? Or Eva Braun?
>It's my oppinion that any matters of importance like
>those of politics, science, economics, philosophy
>should not be dicussed with women.
>One should never engage in serious discussions
>with women anyway. They are not genetically
>equiped for it.
Eva Peron was loved by her people.  Eva Braun is historically 
insignificant.  It's unjust to put the blame for her husband's misdeeds 
on her.

Comparing Julie to Eva Peron might even be a compliment.  

Julie is a Wikipediholic, and we would love the opportunity to drink 
with her without Genral Booth's Dutch minions banging bass drums in out 

>But well, uhm, we guys, we like fighting, testing each other out,
>we will have to go hunt the next day to get the meat
>and we need to be able to rely on each other 100%.
>You women only have to dig up roots etc.
I thought that Holland was such a flat country that people didn't live 
in caves anymore.

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