[Wikipedia-l] Helga banned

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Sep 11 03:41:22 UTC 2002

Jaap van Ganswijk wrote:

>Yes, but I try to use the same name since my birth.
>Names aren't unique, but it gives others at least a slight
>handle on other's person's being. In trade it's quite
>essential to know from which person money is due.
>Honost people have nothing to hide.
Having a handle on somebody's being because of their birth name sounds a 
lot like an invitation to racial profiling to me.

There is a well known stereotype of Dutchmen as being overly obstinate. 
 Are you out to prove the stereotype?

Perception is everything, many of the muslims who have been targeted in 
the last year have been honest people with nothing to hide.


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