[Wikipedia-l] What Larry (and everybody else) said

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Tue Sep 3 17:44:06 UTC 2002

Jimmy Wales wrote:

>When I sat down to write the article, though, I was seized with
>horrible writer's block.  That's astounding, for a guy who does hardly
>anything but write 8 hours a day 5 days a week.  If my collected email
>output were collected and published in book format, I hate to think of
>what it must weigh.
I know what you mean.
What I like about Wikipedia is that I can quickly slap down the bones of 
an article, without feeling that I have to get it *right*.
I can then leave it to simmer, and return to it a few weeks later, 
admire what others have added to it and mercilessly rewrite my earlier work.
Run an article through a few cycles like that and you start to get good 
stuff. :-)

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