[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia photo squad?

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Wed Oct 30 14:51:29 UTC 2002

The image copyright discussion reminds me of an idea that has been going
through my head for a while. How about an organized effort to create (shoot)
public domain photos of important people/places/events? I am not a photographer
so I would be a bad person to lead this WikiProject, but maybe there are
people on this list who would be interested in it.

Basically, the effort would have to be organized in such a way that 
- interested photographers put their names and locations on the page and put
the page in their watchlist
- interested users add people, places, things, events etc. to a To Do list.
Photographers add their names to the list if they want to finish a task. The
task is moved into a "Finished tasks" list later and the photos are uploaded.

Additionally, people who are willing to scan photos sent to them (for people
without scanners or digicams) might enter themselves into a third list --
don't know if that would be necessary.

What do you think? Given the international nature of Wikipedia, I really see
the potential for a large and impressive effort to get relevant photos from
all around the world.


Erik Moeller

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