[Wikipedia-l] [Intlwiki-l] www.wikipedia.org design

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Fri Oct 25 16:32:43 UTC 2002

Stephen Gilbert wrote:

>I want it on the record that I am neither a telephone
>sanitizer nor a hair-dresser. ;-)

>It simply means I'm against the static front page
>idea.  I don't think it solves any fundamental
>problems, but that's not the point; even if it was
>*only* a symbolic gesture of goodwill I would support
>it. However, I believe it would be harmful to the
>project as a whole, not just the English language part
>of the project.
A static portal might not be the final word -- it could be replaced by 
the unified RC proposal or something else.
I'm not arguing for a portal specifically --
* equality of urls
* something language-neutral or language-sniffing at www.---

Wikipedia is already damaged by the EL fork. It was a huge blow to the 
project, and I see it as a loss of credibility.
When I visit the fr:pedia I see banter in talk pages along the lines of 
"policy x is good, that's what the en:pedia adopted" -- "so what? we'll 
just fork if they don't like it!"
It maybe just banter, but it worries me.
I would gladly bleed wikipedia now to prevent loss of other limbs.

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