[Wikipedia-l] www.wikipedia.org design

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Fri Oct 25 00:49:28 UTC 2002

elian wrote:
> Hello,
> just a quick and dirty design study for www.wikipedia.org (not all links
> are working, some text isn't translated yet and no colors are defined)
> http://www.djini.de/Uploads/wikipedia/wikipedia.html
> (tested on IE (Mac), Mozilla, lynx, links, iCab and Omniweb)
> Maybe after Cunctator could be convinced that no old links will be broken we
> can progress a little bit in this affair.

I seem to be in the minority, but I think it looks pretty darn good! It
all fits neatly onto my netscape screen so everything is visible at
once, and the text isn't overly complicated or long. I assume that
clicking on the language name eg 'Deutsche Wikipedia' will take you to
that front page.

Some people are complaining that it seems to be a balkanised project -
until all the databases are unified, then it IS balkinised. That's a
fact of life. Once all the pedias are running on one server then I'd
suggest a simple dropdown box that says 'What language would you like to
work in today?' and then takes you to the appropriate place.


Karen AKA Kajikit

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